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From a Sidewalk’s Point of View

February 16, 2024

NOTE: On each Saturday of February, seven other participants and I are enjoying a poetry workshop. One of the prompts we were given after the first of four sessions was “If the sidewalk had ears.” Thus, you will read below my poem in response to this prompt. I created the poem with the point of view being the sidewalk. In the poem’s title, you will find the number “53202” which is the zip code for my area.

POV: Sidewalk 53202 (AKA Sidewalk of Milwaukee’s East Town)

poem by Alice Jane-Marie Massa

I hear her coming,

coming down the stairs of her townhouse.

Oh, there she is with her guide dog.

How I love to feel those nails of her Labrador:

they tickle my cemented face and make me smile.

That person named Alice

is the one who sees with her feet:

she has memorized my entire face.

If only other pedestrians paid as much attention to me,

they would not be tripping on me

or falling all over me.

Ouch! The words I hear at times!

Back to a sweeter topic–that guide dog’s name is Willow;

and when she wears those cute little blue boots,

I can hardly hold my laughter.

A-ah, but that intelligent Willow

stops at each of my cracks

to alert her handler.

Yes, I am admitting I do have cracks,

chips (but I need no dentist),

uplifts—but I do not complain to my buddies the Oaks

that try to be my good neighbors

(despite their always pushing me).

Did you hear that?

Alice, the handler, said,

“Willow, find the bumpies.”

I was so perturbed when those workers from DPW

stuck all those pimpled metal plates

upon my beautiful face.

However, now I have learned that these tactile markings

on my beautiful face

are amazing markers

for Willow to let Alice know that they are at a curb—

well, what used to be a curb.

Now, I just gently roll right into the street

to assist people who use wheelchairs, walkers, and other such items.

Oh, no, I hear pedestrians talking about predictions of

a snow or ice storm!

Oh, no, here come those little machines

spreading that terrible salt

too thickly—all over my beautiful face!

Where is my friend Alice

when I need her?

She is the self-proclaimed “Saint of Complaints”

and detests this salt as much as I.

Once again, my cracks will widen;

chips will expand to potholes!

Oh, the blemishes this salt causes!

Should I try to explain to you how abrasive the salt is on my face?

Please tell the DPW workers:

undoubtedly, by the fall of next year,

I will need a facelift!

Concretely yours,

Sidewalk 53202

  • Thanks for strolling down this WORDWALK sidewalk!
  • Alice and Leader Dog Willow
  • February 15, 2024, Thursday

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  1. lindambritton permalink

    Alice and Willow, Charlie and I smiled so broadly in reading this. I read it out loud to him, and we had some chuckles. What fun to picture what you have written. Thank you!

    • Good morning! Linda and Charlie–What a fine way to begin my morning by
      finding such a happy note from you! What a treat to know that you read
      my poem aloud! Willow and I send you our very best wishes. I hope to
      write more soon in an e-mail.

      Enjoy the weekend!

      Best always–Alice and Leader Dog Willow

  2. pjlumb permalink

    Enjoyed this POV, Alice, and was fully into the experience of your area sidewalk. What a creative writing prompt. What a creative and intuitive response! 

    • Good morning, Paula–Many thanks for your comments on this “sidewalk”
      poem! The facilitator of our poetry workshop is the editor of the online
      magazine SPIRIT FIRE REVIEW. I will let her know your comment about the
      prompt. She has had some wonderful prompts for in-class and assignment

      Take care, and enjoy the weekend! Stay warm and well–Alice and Willow

  3. Susan McKendry permalink

    It was very enjoyable to read about you and Willow from your sidewalk’s point of view. I especially liked how you got in some important information about the reason for the removal of curbs and the negative effects of too much salt. The sidewalk’s comment about Alice the self-proclaimed “Patron Saint of Complaints” really brought a chuckle. All in all a very entertaining and informative read.

    With your permission, I would like to send this poem to my niece in the Twin Cities who runs a non-profit called “We All Need Food and Water” as the overuse of salt has been one of her main concerns.

    • Good Saturday afternoon, Sue–Your comment on this sidewalk poem added
      to the sunshine we have in downtown Milwaukee today. Oh, yes, I would be
      pleased for you to share this poem with your niece; I recall that you
      have spoken to me before about her work in Minnesota.

      Enjoy this weekend! Take care–Alice and Willow

  4. Katherine Binole permalink

    Alice, I so enjoyed your sidewalk poem. It was clever, creative, informative and entertaining. I read it to Lisa today and we both enjoyed it and chuckled. She thought it was very good too. 
    Enjoy the long weekend. Aunt Kathy

    • Hi, Aunt Kathy–Many thanks for reading this poem and also sharing my
      sidewalk poem with Lisa. I am always glad to have a comment from you on
      my blog posts.

      Take care! Love, Alice and Willow

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